
Instagram update allows comment moderation on your picture and shows friends comments first

Instagram has made an announcement that an update will be rolled out which include a comment moderation feature. It means that individual has ability and total
control over the comments made concerning their pictures.

Instagram update allows comment moderation on your picture and shows friends comments first

How it works

One will now have the ability to either enable a filter that will block a default list of words set by Instagram to hide from their photo comments or they can
just choose certain words that they don’t want to see in the comments on their posts. See image below:

Instagram update allows comment moderation on your picture and shows friends comments first

Another change we should be expecting from the new update is how comments will be shown in every picture you upload. Instead of showing the two most recent
comments as it use to be, users will now see their friend's comments before other comments, just like you see on Facebook. It’s Instagram’s way of making your
profile more personalised.

“The beauty of the Instagram community is the diversity of its members. All different types of people — from diverse backgrounds, races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities and more — call Instagram home, but sometimes the comments on their posts can be unkind. To empower each individual, we need to promote a culture where everyone feels safe to be themselves without criticism or harassment. It’s not only my personal wish to do this, I believe it’s also our responsibility as a company. So, today, we’re taking the next step to ensure Instagram remains a positive place to express yourself,” said Kevin Systrom, CEO & Co-founder, Instagram.

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