
See the Positive and Negative Effects of Whistleblowing

Positive effects of Whistleblowing, Negative effects of Whistleblowing

Should you shine a light on something that is happening within your country or organization? Becoming a whistleblower can be a personally rewarding experience, but it can also change a person’s life in numerous ways that are unexpected. Here is a look at the negative effects and positive effects of becoming a whistleblower.

See the Positive and Negative Effects of Whistleblowing

What are the Positive Effects of  Whistleblowing?

  • There is often financial compensation. 

When something illegal is happening around you, there’s a good chance that it is costing someone money somewhere. Many whistleblower laws allow for those who stand up and say that something is wrong to be compensated with a specific percentage of the money that is recovered. Like in Nigeria, A whistleblower will be compensated with 10 percent of the recovered loot.

  • There are legal protections in place. 

Many people worry about retribution and retaliation when they become a whistleblower. There are programs in place that help to protect whistleblowers to prevent retaliation and civil laws allow whistleblowers to file suit against those who try to seek revenge.

  • It gives personal Satisfaction

It’s been said that there is a right way to do things and there is an easy way to do things. Whistleblowing is the right way and there is always personal satisfaction experienced when an ethically correct decision is made.

What are the Negative Effects of Whistleblowing?

  • Not everyone sees whistleblowing as a positive decision. 

In the business world, the term “whistleblower” is synonymous with the term “snitch.” As an employee, many executives expect you to stay in line with company expectations. If you tell the world that your employer is doing something wrong, it may cost you your job and be difficult to find future employment.

  • People dig into your personal life. 

Every attempt will be made to discredit you as a source when you are noticed as a whistleblower. Your life will be looked at in infinite detail. All of your relationships and choices will be examined with a magnifying glass. Anything you would want to keep hidden is going to come to light.

  • There are personal risks.

There may be programs and laws that forbid retaliation, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Many people will go to great lengths to protect themselves from whistleblowers. That can place you at risk.

Do you want to become a whistleblower? Well, these are the negative and positive effects of whistleblowing. Try to understand and weigh each point against each other to make a choice.


importance of whistleblowing in an organisation

positive effect of whistleblowing

negative effect of whistleblowing

the importance of whistleblowing in an organisation

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